Does the president know that we have been fighting the wrong war? Do all the rest of the politicians in Washington know that we have been fighting the wrong war? No, I don’t mean the “war” (occupation) in Iraq. We all know that they don’t have a clue about Iraq. I mean the war on drugs. Did you know that teachers unions are more dangerous than drug pushers? I didn’t. I must have missed all the statistical data that was published that backs up the claims of Neal Boortz. I mean, he’s on the radio, so what he says must be true, right? Mr. Boortz says: “the single most dangerous entity, group of people in this country right now are the teachers unions." Wow. That’s more dangerous than murderers, rapists, child molesters, crooked politicians, and lying radio announcers combined. We need to do something. We need to round up all those evil union reps and throw them in jail. Free the pushers now! We need to make room in our prisons for bad, nasty, evil union reps.
From Boortz: Teachers unions "do more damage to this country than all the drug pushers together":
During the April 16 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, while discussing the issue of public education with a caller, Neal Boortz stated: "I think the most dangerous -- the single most dangerous entity, group of people in this country right now are the teachers unions." He continued: "I think teachers unions do more damage to this country than the Los Angeles Lakers. They do more damage to this country than all the drug pushers together. ... If I had a button right now, two buttons -- push this button and it gets rid of all the drug dealers; push this button, it gets rid of the teachers unions -- I'm getting rid of the teachers unions."On second thought, instead of jailing union reps, could we just boot Neal Boortz off the radio instead? If I had a button right now…
UPDATE Friday April 18, 2008 4:26PM: The Los Angeles Lakers???
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