Monday, February 1, 2016

Commie Endorses Butchers And Infanticide And Perversion And Murder

THIS Is What Sanders Said About The “FAMILY VALUES” Of Conservatives…:
Bernie Sanders looks to win Iowa and New Hampshire against Hillary Clinton. Normally, that would be cause for celebration, except that Sanders is a communist and is just as bad. At a rally in Iowa, he decided he would mock conservatives and family values, while advocating the butchers of Planned Parenthood. Thousands thrilled to his endorsement of infanticide and his dissing of the GOP. He claimed that Republicans don’t want women to have the right to control their own bodies. Sanders wouldn’t know what family values were if he sat on them, which he does. The right for a woman to murder her unborn child is hardly what I would call praise-worthy. His idea of family values includes murder, perversion, gay rights and entitlements. Sanders is nothing short of an aging, debauched Marxist and would finish this country off.
If Terresa Monroe-Hamilton can say all of these things about Bernie Sanders, then I can call her a lying fuckhead.

Bernie Sanders is not a communist.

Planned Parenthood is not a group of butchers.

Bernie Sanders does not endorse infanticide.

Republicans don’t want women to have the right to control their own bodies.

Bernie Sanders does not endorse murder.

Bernie Sanders does not endorse perversion.

Bernie Sanders is not debauched. 

If he is nominated, Bernie Sanders will get my vote. 

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