I think that when Republicans talk about "limited government" what they really mean is that they favor a government that limits the freedom and equality of everyone who disagrees with them. Ironically, this produces a larger, not to mention dysfunctional, government.
What are some of the major issues and themes of the Republicans?
Gays? The Republicans support limiting their right to marriage.
Atheists? The Republicans support limiting their right to the separation of church and state.
Women? The Republicans support limiting their right to healthcare and equal pay.
Blacks? The Republicans support limiting their rights in numerous ways.
Children? The Republicans support limiting their right to a public education, and their right to being safe in school.
Barack Obama? The Republicans support limiting his right to nominate a justice to replace Antonin Scalia.
Citizens Un-united? The Republicans support limiting the right of the 99% to democracy.
Taxpayers? The Republicans support limiting their right to a sane tax policy.
Muslims? The Republicans support limiting their right to be treated as human beings.
Immigrants? The Republicans support limiting their right to be treated as human beings.
"Terrorists?" The Republicans support limiting their right to a fair trial and their right to the Geneva Convention.
George W. Bush and most of his administration? The Republicans support limiting their right to a fair trial and their right to the Geneva Convention.
I probably could go on and on, but as The Traveling Wilburys once said "I guess by now you've got the gist".
Spot the squirrel!
I think this is the hardest “spot the. . . ” picture that I’ve seen. It
comes from Natalie in Berlin, who came across an Eichhörnchen (“squirrel”
in German...
1 hour ago
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