Monday, February 15, 2016

When Elizabeth Warren Talks People Should Listen

Elizabeth Warren unloads on Republicans for saying they'll block Obama's attempt to replace Scalia:

Warren, a veteran law professor, also cited Article II of the US Constitution, which gives the president the power to nominate Supreme Court justices with the "advice and consent of the Senate." She quipped that she "can't find a clause that says, 'except when there's a year left in the term of a Democratic President.'"

"Senate Republicans took an oath just like Senate Democrats did. Abandoning the duties they swore to uphold would threaten both the Constitution and our democracy itself. It would also prove that all the Republican talk about loving the Constitution is just that — empty talk," she said.

For his part, Obama has said he plans to fulfill his "constitutional responsibility to nominate a successor in due time." Some Democrats have pointed to the confirmation of Justice Anthony Kennedy, who was nominated by President Ronald Reagan in 1987 and confirmed during the 1988 election year.
When Republicans say ridiculous things, they should be ridiculed.

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