Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Karl Rove And Stink, Part One

So Karl Rove thinks that we wouldn’t notice on our own how bad the economy is. We wouldn’t see the foreclosure signs all over our neighborhood, or the price of gas at the pump, or how tough it is to get a mortgage at the bank, or that our stocks, mutual funds, and 401k’s are down, or what our credit card statement says, etc, etc, etc…

Last night on Fox News, former Bush aide Karl Rove claimed that the economy is partly responsible for his former boss’s record low approval ratings. But according to Rove, the media — not Bush’s disastrous policies — are to blame:

O’REILLY: The negativity toward President Bush is Iraq driven?

ROVE: I think it’s principally. I think the economy — the media has been beating the drum for years and years and years that the economy stinks. And after a while, that begins to color people’s attitudes.
It’s only because the media tells us, because Karl thinks we’re too stupid to notice on our own. Hey Karl! You’ve hung out with that idiot president of ours for too long. Not all of the American people are as stupid as he is.

Also, I’m going on the record here and saying DON’T VOTE FOR JOHN MCCAIN unless you like getting screwed:
Yet the right wing continues to downplay the faltering economy. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) recently blamed it all on the American people, saying that it’s just “psychological.”

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