Glenn Beck must be able to open a little door on the top of his head and remove his brain. It appears to me that sometimes when he writes his CNN column his brain is in his head, and sometimes it must be sitting on his desk staring at him as he writes nonsensical garbage. His latest column is a case of the later.
In Commentary: T-shirt depicts 'pathetic and brutal legacy' Beck goes on at some length to deride Che Guevara as a violent, racist revolutionary. Makes me wonder what Mr. Beck thinks of our violent and racist founding fathers. What do we sometimes call them? Oh, yes… revolutionaries.
Mr. Beck quotes Guevara and tells us much about him without a single link to prove any of it. Except for this link, there is nothing. When I mentioned this to my wife, her response was: “It’s hard to link to your ass.” Now I know that Guevara was no saint, but the least Beck could do is give us some proof for his claims about Guevara.
Beck writes: “How Che became such a revered superhero of the hard-core left is laughable.” Again, I would like to see some proof from Mr. Beck on this claim. Superhero? I honestly don’t believe that everyone on the left sees Guevara this way. I know that I don’t. I think that the left consists of people who think independently, unlike the “ditto-heads” of the right who swallow all the latest Republican talking points without a second thought.
Spot the squirrel!
I think this is the hardest “spot the. . . ” picture that I’ve seen. It
comes from Natalie in Berlin, who came across an Eichhörnchen (“squirrel”
in German...
1 hour ago
8 comments - Post a comment :
Where does Beck get his information?
Common sense.
In response to:
Big Mike Lewis said...
Where does Beck get his information?
Common sense.
This makes no sense to me.
Thank you for your comment.
So, I did some searching because on the Beck article I didn't see any links or listing of sources either. Nor have I heard of any of that rhetoric that he was an evil totalitarian bastard. My father was a Sandinista in Nicaragua during the 1970s, I'm no communist hatter.
These are some links that I found, that's all.
To Jonathan E.
Thank you very much for your input. I'll check out the links that you supplied. I believe that the issue of linking may be more a matter of how CNN does things. But still, it would be nice to know where these things come from. If true, linking to them only supports Beck's case more.
CNN (and the state of cable news media) is just depressing...they get polar opposite pundits to give their opinions, and they call it news. Beck's latest piece was just about the most un-newsworthy thing I've read on that site, even though it progressively adds the "oddly enough" style headlines.
In response to:
jkupetz said...
CNN (and the state of cable news media) is just depressing...they get polar opposite pundits to give their opinions, and they call it news. Beck's latest piece was just about the most un-newsworthy thing I've read on that site, even though it progressively adds the "oddly enough" style headlines.
Thank you for your comment.
Also, I liked what you posted at your blog on this topic: La Lucha Continua, Señor Beck
I dont know who you are, but I got your comment on my blog:) point has little to do with Glenn Beck and more to do with what I have heard from lots of Cubans in Cuba...Despite his lack of "links" my own opinion developed from time with the people and not just Beck's mostly one sided article. Youre right, our country has its own "revolutionary murderers" but I would be just as offended if I saw someone without a clue wearing a shirt with one of their faces on it...or like I mentioned the rebel flag attire...thanks for the comment though.
In response to Dawntoya and Adam:
Thank you for your comment. Perhaps I misread your post (Finally! An Explanation for Why I Hate This Shirt...) on Glenn Beck. I do agree that his article was one-sided. That is what I found most disturbing about what he wrote. I thought that you were praising Beck, and if I misinterpreted what you meant, I apologize. I believe that some of what Che Guevara was trying to accomplish was noble. I don't agree with his methods, but I understand why he chose them. The rich and powerful tend to not pay attention otherwise. (This does not mean that I advocate violence in any shape or form.)
Beck could have chosen to simply inform people about Guevara, instead he chose to write a negative screed against people who hold different views, and to denigrate them in a very vicious way.
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