Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Cal Thomas Has An Immunity To The Republican Virus

Watching last Thursday’s debate between Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, one might have thought a Republican had been in the White House for nearly eight years.

Hearing their complaints about the economy (bad), discrimination (rampant), health care (too many without it), unemployment (too many not working or working at low-paying jobs), it appeared hope had died and change is all we have left in our pockets.

To hear these two ultra-liberals tell it, we are a horrible, miserable, evil nation. We are bigots, we are greedy because we won’t surrender more of our income to the government gods, we hate anyone who isn’t white, male and heterosexual, and we want to deport everyone who isn’t a Christian.

I wouldn’t want to live in a country like that, would you? But that is not who we are. It is only who Democrats think we are.
Obviously, Cal Thomas is immune to nearly everything that nearly every Republican candidate has been saying for the last several years since around the time Lincoln left office. Why does Donald Trump want to make America great again? Obviously, he thinks things aren't so great. If the Republicans can complain about the economy, discrimination (reverse that is), and health care, then why can't the Democrats?

We are a horrible, miserable, evil nation. We are bigots, we are greedy because we won’t surrender more of our income to the government gods, we hate anyone who isn’t white, male and heterosexual, and we want to deport everyone who isn’t a Christian. This is exactly why Donald Trump is so popular. It is his platform.

I don't think that Cal Thomas has paid attention to presidential races before. All candidates say that everything sucks, vote for me and things won't suck. Every one of them says this, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. It's called politics in America.

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