Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jim Leach

People seem to be impressed by the speech given last night by Jim Leach at the Democratic Convention.

The short version of the speech is: Bush really, really sucks, and even the Republicans know it. John McCain is just like Bush, and even the Republicans know it. Vote for Obama, not McCain.

From Full Text: Former U.S. Rep. Jim Leach Speech to Democratic National Convention:

As a Republican, I stand before you with deep respect for the history and traditions of my political party. But it is clear to all Americans that something is out of kilter in our great republic. In less than a decade America’s political and economic standing in the world has been diminished. Our nation’s extraordinary leadership in so many areas is simply not reflected in the partisan bickering and ideological politics of Washington. Seldom has the case for an inspiring new political ethic been more compelling. And seldom has an emerging leader so matched the needs of the moment.

The platform of this transformative figure is a call for change. The change Barack Obama is advocating is far more than a break with today’s politics. It is a clarion call for renewal rooted in time-tested American values that tap Republican, as well as Democratic traditions.
Read the rest here.

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