Monday, August 18, 2008

The Wall Tumbles Down

With each passing day I become more and more disappointed with Barack Obama. Why did he agree to this interview with Rick Warren? Can we please get the religion out of politics? Especially the evangelical kind!

If only I could vote for none of the above. We need better candidates!

From Faithiness For President? by Susan Jacoby:

What does it mean to you to trust in Jesus Christ? What is your greatest moral failing? A Martian tuning in to the broadcast Saturday night from Pastor Rick Warren's Saddleback Church might be forgiven for concluding that Senators Barack Obama and John McCain were interviewing for a job as assistant pastor rather than running for the presidency of the United States. Obama apologized once again for his teenage drug use. McCain apologized for the failure of his first marriage. Confronted by one of God's televangelists, both candidates sounded like naughty, penitent little boys. Do you think that this event will set a precedent and that future presidential candidates will feel the need to subject themselves to a "faith test" administered by self-appointed representatives of religion?
Read the rest here.

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