Friday, May 2, 2008

Nir Rosen

From Five Minutes With Nir Rosen by Tanya Paperny:

At this point, Nir Rosen doesn’t have much hope. As someone who has traveled extensively in Iraq, Rosen is one of a handful of Western journalists familiar with the on-the-ground conditions in the country. He says that for most Iraqis, life is worse now than it was under Saddam Hussein. He frequently appears on television and radio—sometimes facing off with the architects of the war—to argue that the U.S. troop surge in Iraq has been an absolute failure. His groundbreaking article in Rolling Stone, “The Myth of the Surge,” chronicled the lawlessness beyond the gated-off Green Zone of the American forces. His recent book details the violent civil war that has emerged in Iraq between various sects and militia forces, and illustrates in harrowing detail some of the realities that the mainstream media have been unwilling to portray.
“He says that for most Iraqis, life is worse now than it was under Saddam Hussein.” Since George W. Bush is the person responsible for this can one conclude that George W. Bush is worse than Saddam Hussein? Is it possible that most Iraqis might come to this conclusion? Is it possible that George W. Bush is creating a new generation of terrorists?

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