Sunday, January 31, 2016

Nye’s Wet Dream Is Very Demanding?

Bill Nye ‘The Science Guy’ is Demanding That NASCAR Make This Huge Change to Save the World:
Anyone who loved Bill Nye ‘The Science Guy’ as a kid is likely disappointed to see that he’s become a flaming liberal spouting global warming rhetoric lately. His latest crazy scheme is to convince NASCAR to use electric cares instead of using fuel — you know, for the environment.
How stupid is this? No, not Bill Nye, but someone who could write a sentence that is so biased that they can't imagine a world that has flaming liberals in it. The author, Cassy Fiano, should know that many of us feel the Bern. Also most scientists believe all that "global warming rhetoric".

A race with electric cars would still be a race. If the speed freaks complained that the electric cars didn't go fast enough, perhaps it would encourage scientists and engineers to innovate and make them go so fast that you couldn't see them.

I must say that I do admit that racing electric cares is a crazy scheme.

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