Monday, June 23, 2008

Let's Privatize Bush

Why do we have a president that hates the government? One who vetoes everything that could possibly do us some good. One who only supports things like war and destruction?

At what point do the Libertarians and Bushite/Reaganites want to stop dismantling the government? When there is absolutely nothing left?

Whatever happened to the concept of government for the common good?

From Travelers Shift to Rail as Cost of Fuel Rises by Matthew L. Wald:

Despite its popularity with passengers, the biggest determinant of the railroad’s health is still the federal government, and in Washington, views diverge sharply.

Last year Senator Frank Lautenberg, Democrat of New Jersey, and others won overwhelming Senate approval for a bill that would offer the states 80 cents for every 20 cents they spend on new intercity passenger rail service, the same as the match offered for highway projects.

The House passed a bill with the same provision by a veto-proof margin earlier this month. The bill will soon go to a conference committee, but the White House is threatening to veto it because it wants the passenger rail system to be turned over to private operators.

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