CALLER: And I remember at that time, ironically, you were talking about how the media says that you scare away 24-year-old women. So I laughed at the irony of that situation. I challenged my wife, who was my girlfriend at the time, and I said, "Hey, will you listen to him?" and she reluctantly agreed, and would you imagine? In one week's time she was hooked. Absolutely hooked.The media says that Rush scares away 24 year old women? That seems mighty specific. I think that Limbaugh repulses men and women of all ages.
RUSH: No kidding. Normally it takes six weeks. We encourage six weeks here. But you pulled it off faster. She did it in one week.
CALLER: One week, one week. You know, the first few days I didn't hear much out of her, and on her lunch she would listen from the monologue from like 12 to 12:30, and she's like, "Man, he's making sense. He's making sense." And, sure enough, you're a regular topic. And, for three years, I just wanted to let you know --
RUSH: You know, it had to be culture shock.
CALLER: Oh, yeah.
RUSH: What do you think she thought she was gonna hear? I mean, she hears all this just BS they say about this program.
CALLER: She heard MSNBC, you know? She's since become so far right-wing. I'm just absolutely proud of her. She's a big Cruz girl and Trump supporter also at the same time.
Rush should take a college course in statistics. One person is a mighty tiny sample to be boasting about.
I guess it shouldn't surprise me that the caller refers to his wife as a girl. Obviously, she's no feminazi.
Here is more from the same radio broadcast:
RUSH: You hang on, and Snerdley will get your FedEx address, and we're gonna --
CALLER: Great.
RUSH: -- send you some Rush Revere stuff.
CALLER: You don't have to do that, thank you.
RUSH: Gonna send you some Rush Revere stuff.
CALLER: Thank you so much. I highly appreciate that, Rush.
RUSH: For your daughter, the little cuddly Liberty doll, which is a great, great --
CALLER: Thank you. We absolutely love you. My father turned me on to you, but I didn't start listening 'til I was about 18, now I'm 29, I listen to you every day almost if I can, depending on my work schedule.
RUSH: Well --
CALLER: But I always go to, check out the transcripts, et cetera.
RUSH: That's awesome.
CALLER: We absolutely love you.
RUSH: I can't tell you how flattered I am, how much --
CALLER: Oh, thank you.
RUSH: -- I appreciate it. So hang on, we'll send your daughter, she'll grow into this stuff, she'll eventually like the Liberty doll. I mean, she may even like that now. And we'll send some stuff, audio versions of the books and a real book signed, and I'll throw a picture in there or something. So you just hang on, this is how we'll do it. As we get our hooks into another future American adult, one child at a time here on the EIB.
Yes, just like all the "great" religions of the world Rush believes in getting them when they are young.
I had to look up EIB. It means The European Investment Bank. However, one person with a big fat idiotic ego thinks that it means "excellence in broadcasting".